19 Jul 7 Best Natural Ingredients for Your Skin
The world of beauty is now filled with technology and innovation, that most people have forgotten the basics of beauty care. In some cases, simple natural options can be as effective as modern solutions. Here are some natural ingredients shared by experts to help you nourish and clean your skin.
Gotu Kola
an ancient herb used in cuisine all over Asia is now becoming a part of modern skin care due to its efficient wound healing properties. Gotu kola has a combination of amino acids, beta carotene, fatty acids, and phytochemicals help speed healing time, making it a helpful way to treat injuries.
Tea Tree Oil
The herbal remedy derived from tea tree leaves has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects that help combat a range of germs, fungus, and bacteria.
Green Tea
The connection between drinking green tea and improved health has been suggested for years, but it may also help to use the plant on the skin. Green tea has antioxidant properties as well as soothing abilities that help treat sun-damaged skin and offer a way to address the signs of sun damage.
Soybeans contain a variety of plant-based chemicals that impact the skin. Among them are antioxidants, fatty acids, and isoflavones. The legume also produces estrogens or phytoestrogens that address skin conditions related to menopause.
Oatmeal contains anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant chemicals called avenanthramides that has moisturizing beta glucans and starches. It’s the reason why oatmeal baths are so effective for conditions like eczema and rashes.
Coconut Oil
One of the most famous ingredients in beauty care, coconut oil is a skin soother that suppresses some of the body’s natural inflammatory agents while making the skin more protective.
Shea Butter
Derived from the nut of a shea tree, shea butter is an ingredient in many moisturizers. It hydrates skin effectively and has nutrients have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.