Possibly the most powerful herb in the world, Turmeric has healing properties beyond comprehension. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial benefits, turmeric can work wonders on condition-riddled skin. It can also help reduce redness from blemishes and calm skin conditions like eczema and rosacea. It’s also excellent for acne, dark circles, dry skin and is great protection from sun damaging and ageing.
Better known as Kasturimanjal, this plant has several significant actions on human skin and this makes it a useful remedy for several skin issues. It helps keep acne at bay while banishing oily skin and making your skin look younger.
Sandalwood is a natural antiseptic and preservative that is used in the production of soaps, beauty creams and many other beauty products. Sandalwood helps in fighting blemishes, dry skin and acne-causing bacteria, its also famous for exfoliating the skin and soothing sunburns.
A plant that has been steadily gaining popularity over the last few years, Calumba, commonly known as
Venivel has been used in Ayurvedic skin treatment. It has the capacity to banish harmful toxins, clear clogged pores and improve the complexion of the skin.
Also called ‘sweet root’ as most of us know licorice to be a tasty treat, licorice root has been a remedy for many ailments for over 4000 years. Licorice has been infamous for its properties to brighten skin, fade dark scars, treat skin infections, fight wrinkles and tighten skin.
the most searched skincare ingredient of 2018 was Neem and its healing properties. From fading scars to fighting the appearance of wrinkles and fighting pigmentation, Neem is a powerful plant with too many benefits to list out.
The rare and exclusive saffron is a spice that doubles as a beauty aid like never before. This spice can be used to brighten your skin, heal wounds, treats dull skin and gives you that radiant luminous complexion.